Literacy Courses

Literacy Courses

There is something for every student in our literacy courses. Whether you are working towards mastering the alphabet, vowels, proper letter formation, letter-sound relationship and phonemic awareness skills OR are curious about words and want to learn about odd English spellings we have you covered.


Early Literacy $350

Starting October 4th at 5pm!

For 8 weeks, students ages 6-8 will work to master all the lowercase letter formations and sounds of the alphabet. We will work on sequencing the alphabet, learning short vowel sounds and strengthening their phonemic awareness skills. All students will receive a phonological awareness assessment prior to beginning the course and parents will be provided with a short training video and activities that can be practiced at home.

Curious Spellers I — $400

Starting October 2nd at 5pm!

This course is for students ages 8-10 who are curious about words and who sometimes struggle to spell in English. The aim of this class is to demystify spelling of a handful of words in the English language that seem nonsensical at the surface. For 8 weeks, we will dig for answers and learn about where these odd spellings come from and why we have them in the English language.